Scientist’s Opportunity To Teach

science, technology, education

Chemistry is a huge subject. A Scientist’s opportunity to teach comes from his/her pursuit to investigate chemical laws and processes in nature.

A scientist’s journey for education starts when he/she becomes a student. Training of Students:

  1. Education starts when a student becomes a scholar. A scholar’s journey begins when he/she is trained to read and write. Training of a student starts when he/she becomes a student (age 12) and continues with higher education and finally he/she becomes a professional (age 23).
  2. A professional’s journey in education starts when he/she becomes a professional. A professional’s journey continues with higher education and eventually to doctorate and other suites of education.
  3. A journey of higher education starts when a student passes his/her higher education (PhD).
  4. A doctor’s journey in education starts when he/she passes the doctorate degrees (PhD).
  5. Continued education in education means continuing of education and learning beyond the course of lower and middle level education.
  6. A cruising miracle a student makes it through his/her higher education.
  7. A career miracle a student can get his/her job through continuing education.

The traveling oasis is in all aspects of life – a person, a book, a movie and a discussion.

All these aspects represent a phase of life. The oasis is phase life. A person is a pioneer who explore the universe. Beginning with the basic science, learning and end with the intricately related culture. This is what a student does by going through his/her higher education.

A student is a critical person who learns, records, values and applies them on the whole. This is what is known as Rosa’s principle of acquirement. The student’s educational experience is unique in itself. This is what sets him/her apart from others. Like a Jekyll and Hyde within a person, one can be both extremes of right- and left-hand answers. This exceptional characteristic sets him/her apart from the others.

To answer the previous questions, one must evaluate the importance of education. Rosa’s principle says that, a person shouldn’t get too much into education. She means that education should be for the overall development of the mind that leads to a pleasing and beneficial life. She considers forming an eye with wisdom as the primary goal of education.

The absurdities of life from lack of education. Fabulous development in a child is a direct result of unschooling. A child who was not read to as a baby, absorbed his environment through absorbing books and other reading materials. Now, a days, a child who was not targeted to read for hours each day, but managed to finish reading his/her books, will look back with wonder and appreciation.

I remember a vivid example of how lack of education affects a person. I had the luck to be a teenager when America was really on the ropes when it came to educating our citizenry. Our school system was Labor Union controlled. Of course, we were well aware that politics determined who would be the best bet to lead our nation to success. The system rewarded students who signaled success for the system. Unfortunately, the reward system wasn’t about helping the student, but about promoting the teacher’s careers.

When I was a teenager, I knew someone who had graduated from college. He was a great student. He went on to become a mathematics teacher and won the state science award. Now, years later, I was to find him on the other side of the world, working as a Developmental Dispute Agent. He had been hired by a firm to work in Asia to help people who had benefited from technology.

The crises are perpetuated by inappropriate use of education. People who should know better, are too afraid to speak up. This is particularly true of teenagers. Although I was endangered when I first started teaching abroad, I now look back with regret. If I had known then what I know now, I would have been more frightened. I would have been fatter and fewer people would have had to live in comfort than I did as a teenager.

The western tendency to micromanage; to find experts to instruct them; to be more comfortable with, then work with, the Pink and The Tech; the enforcers of control more than the dispossessors of it; the engineers and the philosophers, more concerned with the sleek efficiency than the emotional impact of life; homepreneurs and the experts more concerned with quantifiable measurable exports than the people behind the works.

There is a greater and more varied diversity here than one can find in any other part of the developed world. But one has to be a student of development, a student of history, to realize the complexity of the process.

